Random events

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Random events are a game mechanic in Sandboxels. They are off by default, but can be enabled and their chance of occurring changed in the Settings. There are currently 4 random events in the game.

Random event chances

There are five options in the Settings that change the chance of random events occurring per tick:

  • Disabled - 0% per tick
  • Rare (For casual play) - 0.5% per tick
  • Common - 2.5% per tick
  • Annoying - 5% per tick
  • Overdrive (DANGEROUS) - 25% per tick

List of random events

Falling pixel

The falling pixel random event spawns a pixel high up in the canvas (the topmost 6 rows).

The pixel can be chosen out of the following: Fireball, Fallout, Seeds, Bomb, Cold Bomb, Human, Gold Coin, Feather, Glitter, Homunculus, Egg. Frozen Frog, Sapling, Smoke Grenade, Party Popper, Lightning, Frozen Worm, Pinecone, Cactus, Earthquake, Tornado.

Element circle

The element circle random event spawns a small circle of a certain element anywhere in the canvas. The circle's radius can range from 3 to 7.

The pixel can be chosen out of the following: Carbon Dioxide, Primordial Soup, Fly, Steam, Oxygen, Sugar, Bee, Firefly, Tadpole, Flash, Foam, Bless, Liquid Light.


The explosion random event spawns an explosion of elements anywhere in the canvas.

The pixel can be chosen out of the following: Fire, Cold Fire, Methane, Electric, Light, Laser, Radiation, Plasma, Liquid Nitrogen, Liquid Helium, Liquid Neon, Acid Gas, Fw Ember, Malware, Stench, Plague, Firework, Bubble, Confetti, Balloon, Dye, Bless.


The temperature random event sets the temperature in a random circle to a random value between -200°C and 200°C. The circle's radius can range from 3 to 7.