Version 1.9.5

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Version 1.9.5
Version 1.9.5 cover art.png
Official cover art
Version nameUpdate of the Summer
Release dateMay 15, 2024
Save versionsb2
Changelog entry


Quality of Life

  • Mobile Shift button
  • Intensified tools and line drawing on mobile
  • Canvas Size setting
  • Lookup tool can have a bigger radius





Bug Fixes

Fixed: Gaps when drawing fast on mobile
Fixed: Middle clicking empty space causes freeze
Fixed: Bless and Rock Wall can't be drawn in a line
Fixed: Gaps when drawing Bless and Rock Wall fast
Fixed: [[Bless and Rock Wall don't display info
Fixed: Bless and Rock Wall can't use Replace Mode
Fixed: Brown Dwarf Suns can emit Light when eclipsed
Fixed: Language selector doesn't update on refresh
Fixed: Mouse size continues increasing past max size
Fixed: Uncharge tool doesn't put out LEDs
Fixed: Water extinguishes Greek Fire and Firework over and over
Fixed: Dragging at tick 0 freezes pixels in place
Fixed: Evergreen info page displays NaN
Fixed: Spawned Molten Magnesium behaves strange when heated
Fixed: Copper Sulfate freezing point is too low
Fixed: Stained Glass doesn't retain color when exploded
Fixed: Stained Glass placed at tick 0 doesn't retain color
Fixed: Antimatter and Antimatter Bomb trigger each other
Fixed: Strange Matter destroys Cloners
Fixed: Nothing can clone Wire
Fixed: TPS prompt displays error after canceling
Fixed: Decimal coordinates when resetting with odd canvas size
Fixed: No double state change when spawning at high airTemp
Fixed: Pixels retain clone property when changed
Fixed: Crash when mod deletes Sand
Fixed: Elements with single-color arrays have black buttons
Fixed: 'perTick' error when loading page
Fixed: 'fillStyle' error when loading page


  • Behavior grids bigger than 3x3 are centered
  • Behavior grids can be smaller than 3x3
  • Moddable behavior rules
  • Behavior rules are stored in new behaviorRules object
  • SM (Smash) behavior rule
  • MX (Mix) behavior rule (MX:true to mix solids)
  • CC (Change Color) can now take a target, e.g. CC:sand>#00ffff
  • CC (Change Color) no longer applies grain
  • EX (Explode) follows element 'ignore' property
  • Placed Paint and Shock tools are removed by Unpaint and Uncharge