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Many different elements scattering, done by the Random tool.
An Element is a grouping of pixels that have the same properties. These are the bread and butter of Sandboxels. For example, Sand is an element. Some elements can share behaviors, like Salt and Sugar sharing the Powder behavior.
Elements are given different properties, like a melting point, electric conductivity rate, or chemical reactions, depending on the thing they represent.
Elements do not correspond to real-life elements on the Periodic Table of Elements.
As of Version 1.10.2, there are 542 elements, 228 of which are hidden by default.
Element List
Elements as of 1.10.2
- Acid
- Acid Cloud
- Acid Gas
- Acid Ice
- Alcohol
- Alcohol Gas
- Alcohol Ice
- Alga
- Algae
- Aluminum
- Amalgam
- Amber
- Ammonia
- Ammonia Ice
- Anesthesia
- Ant
- Ant Wall
- Antibody
- Antibody Ice
- Antibomb
- Antidote
- Antifire
- Antifluid
- Antigas
- Anti Ice
- Antimatter
- Antimatter Bomb
- Antimolten
- Antipowder
- Armageddon
- Art
- Ash
- Baked Batter
- Baked Clay
- Baked Potato
- Baking Soda
- Ball
- Balloon
- Bamboo
- Bamboo Plant
- Basalt
- Batter
- Battery
- Bead
- Beans
- Bee
- Bird
- Blaster
- Bleach
- Bleach Ice
- Bless
- Blood
- Blood Ice
- Blue Gold
- Body
- Bomb
- Bone
- Bone Marrow
- Borax
- Border
- Brass
- Bread
- Brick
- Brick Rubble
- Bronze
- Broth
- Broth Ice
- Bubble
- Burner
- Butter
- C4
- Cactus
- Calcium
- Cancer
- Candy
- Caramel
- Carbon Dioxide
- Caustic Potash
- Cell
- Cellulose
- Cement
- Charcoal
- Cheese
- Cheese Powder
- Chlorine
- Chlorine Ice
- Chocolate
- Chocolate Milk
- Chocolate Powder
- Clay
- Clay Shard
- Clay Soil
- Clone Powder
- Cloner
- Cloth
- Cloud
- Coffee
- Coffee Bean
- Coffee Ground
- Coffee Ice
- Cold Bomb
- Cold Fire
- Color Sand
- Color Smoke
- Concrete
- Confetti
- Cook
- Cooked Meat
- Cool
- Cooler
- Copper
- Copper Sulfate
- Corn
- Corn Seed
- Cream
- Crumb
- Cured Meat
- Cyanide
- Cyanide Gas
- Cyanide Ice
- Dead Bug
- Dead Plant
- Debug
- Diamond
- Dioxin
- Dirt
- Dirty Bomb
- Dirty Ice
- Dirty Water
- Dna
- Dough
- Drag
- Dry Ice
- Dust
- Dye
- Dynamite
- Earthquake
- Ecloner
- Egg
- Eggnog
- Electric
- Electrum
- Ember
- Emp Bomb
- Epsom Salt
- Erase
- Evergreen
- Ewall
- Explosion
- Fallout
- Fat
- Feather
- Fiber
- Filler
- Fire
- Fire Cloud
- Fireball
- Firefly
- Firework
- Fish
- Flash
- Flashbang
- Flea
- Floating Cloner
- Flour
- Flower Seed
- Fly
- Foam
- Fragrance
- Freeze Ray
- Freezer
- Frog
- Frozen Fish
- Frozen Frog
- Frozen Ink
- Frozen Meat
- Frozen Nitro
- Frozen Plant
- Frozen Vinegar
- Frozen Worm
- Frozen Yogurt
- Fruit Milk
- Fuse
- Fw Ember
- Gallium
- Gallium Gas
- Galvanized Steel
- Gingerbread
- Glass
- Glass Shard
- Glitter
- Glue
- God Ray
- Gold
- Gold Coin
- Grape
- Grass
- Grass Seed
- Gravel
- Gray Goo
- Grease
- Greek Fire
- Grenade
- Grinder
- Gunpowder
- H Bomb
- Hail
- Hail Cloud
- Hair
- Hard Yolk
- Head
- Heat
- Heat Ray
- Heater
- Helium
- Herb
- Hive
- Homunculus
- Honey
- Horizontal
- Hot Bomb
- Human
- Hydrogen
- Hydrogen Ice
- Hyphae
- Ice
- Ice Cream
- Ice Nine
- Image
- Incense
- Incinerate
- Infection
- Infection Ice
- Ink
- Insulation
- Iron
- Jelly
- Juice
- Juice Ice
- Kelp
- Ketchup
- Lamp Oil
- Landmine
- Laser
- Lattice
- Lead
- Led B
- Led G
- Led R
- Lettuce
- Lichen
- Light
- Light Bulb
- Lightning
- Limestone
- Liquid Ammonia
- Liquid Chlorine
- Liquid Helium
- Liquid Hydrogen
- Liquid Light
- Liquid Methane
- Liquid Neon
- Liquid Nitrogen
- Liquid Oxygen
- Liquid Ozone
- Liquid Propane
- Liquid Stench
- Lookup
- Loopy
- Magma
- Magnesium
- Malware
- Mashed Potato
- Mayo
- Meat
- Melted Butter
- Melted Cheese
- Melted Chocolate
- Melted Wax
- Mercury
- Mercury Gas
- Metal Scrap
- Methane
- Methane Ice
- Midas Touch
- Milk
- Mix
- Mixer
- Molasses
- Molten Alga
- Molten Aluminum
- Molten Amalgam
- Molten Ash
- Molten Blue Gold
- Molten Borax
- Molten Brass
- Molten Brick
- Molten Bronze
- Molten Calcium
- Molten Caustic Potash
- Molten Copper
- Molten Copper Sulfate
- Molten Dirt
- Molten Electrum
- Molten Epsom Salt
- Molten Gallium
- Molten Galvanized Steel
- Molten Glass
- Molten Gold
- Molten Iron
- Molten Lead
- Molten Magnesium
- Molten Metal Scrap
- Molten Nickel
- Molten Plastic
- Molten Potassium
- Molten Potassium Salt
- Molten Purple Gold
- Molten Pyrite
- Molten Rad Glass
- Molten Rose Gold
- Molten Salt
- Molten Silver
- Molten Slag
- Molten Sodium
- Molten Sodium Acetate
- Molten Solder
- Molten Stained Glass
- Molten Steel
- Molten Sterling
- Molten Sulfur
- Molten Thermite
- Molten Tin
- Molten Tuff
- Molten Tungsten
- Molten Uranium
- Molten Zinc
- Mud
- Mudstone
- Mulch
- Mushroom Cap
- Mushroom Gill
- Mushroom Spore
- Mushroom Stalk
- Mycelium
- N Explosion
- Neon
- Neon Ice
- Neutral Acid
- Neutron
- Nickel
- Nitro
- Nitrogen
- Nitrogen Ice
- Nuke
- Nut
- Nut Butter
- Nut Meat
- Nut Milk
- Nut Oil
- Oil
- Oxidized Copper
- Oxygen
- Oxygen Ice
- Ozone
- Packed Sand
- Packed Snow
- Paint
- Paper
- Particleboard
- Party Popper
- Perfume
- Permafrost
- Petal
- Pick
- Pickle
- Pilk
- Pinecone
- Pipe
- Pipe Wall
- Pistil
- Plague
- Plant
- Plasma
- Plastic
- Pointer
- Poison
- Poison Gas
- Poison Ice
- Pollen
- Pool Ice
- Pool Water
- Pop
- Popcorn
- Porcelain
- Porcelain Shard
- Positron
- Potassium
- Potassium Gas
- Potassium Salt
- Potato
- Potato Seed
- Pressure Plate
- Primordial Soup
- Prop
- Propane
- Propane Ice
- Proton
- Pumpkin
- Pumpkin Seed
- Purple Gold
- Pyrite
- Pyrocumulus
- Quicklime
- Rad Cloud
- Rad Glass
- Rad Shard
- Rad Steam
- Radiation
- Rain Cloud
- Rainbow
- Random
- Rat
- Rice
- Rime
- Rock
- Rock Wall
- Rocket
- Room Temp
- Root
- Rose Gold
- Rotten Cheese
- Rotten Meat
- Ruins
- Rust
- Salt
- Salt Ice
- Salt Water
- Sand
- Sandstorm
- Sap
- Sapling
- Sauce
- Sauce Ice
- Sawdust
- Seeds
- Seltzer
- Seltzer Ice
- Sensor
- Shock
- Shocker
- Silver
- Skin
- Slag
- Slaked Lime
- Slime
- Slime Ice
- Slow Cloner
- Slug
- Slush
- Smash
- Smog
- Smoke
- Smoke Grenade
- Snail
- Snake
- Snow
- Snow Cloud
- Soap
- Soda
- Soda Ice
- Sodium
- Sodium Acetate
- Sodium Gas
- Solder
- Solid Mercury
- Spider
- Sponge
- Spout
- Spray Paint
- Stained Glass
- Static
- Steam
- Steel
- Stench
- Sterling
- Stink Bug
- Strange Matter
- Straw
- Sugar
- Sugar Ice
- Sugar Water
- Sulfur
- Sulfur Gas
- Sun
- Superheater
- Supernova
- Tadpole
- Tea
- Tea Ice
- Termite
- Tesla Coil
- Thermite
- Thunder Cloud
- Tin
- Tinder
- Tnt
- Toast
- Tomato
- Torch
- Tornado
- Tree Branch
- Tsunami
- Tuff
- Tungsten
- Udder
- Unburn
- Uncharge
- Unknown
- Unpaint
- Uranium
- Vaccine
- Vertical
- Vine
- Vinegar
- Virus
- Void
- Wall
- Warp
- Water
- Wax
- Web
- Wet Sand
- Wheat
- Wheat Seed
- Wire
- Wood
- Worm
- Yeast
- Yogurt
- Yolk
- Zinc